National Youth Day

                   National Youth Day

National Youth Day celebrates January 12 every year in India. This day is the birthday day of Swami Vivekanand the India's greatest social leader and inspiration. Swami Vivekanand was born in 1863 into an aristocratic family in Kolkata India. Swami Vivekanand played an important role in reviving the spiritual image of India. In 1984  Indian government decided to celebrate Swami Vivekanand birthday as National Youth day, it also knows as Rastriya Yuva Divas. Swami Vivekanand seen as youth idol because of the relevance of ideas and his inspirational journey of his life.

Glimpse of Swami Vivekanand journey

  • In 1863 Swami Vivekanand was born into an aristocratic family in Kolkata India.
  • In 1893 Swami Vivekanand spoke at the parliament of the World's Religion in Chicago and began his speech with "Sisters and brothers of America" immortalized the ideal of the monk belived in globally.
  • In 1897 Swami Vivekanand founded the Ramkrishna Mission the idea was based on the teaching of its guru and it is also based on Karma yoga.
  • In 1902 Swami Vivekanand ji passed away peacefully while he was in a meditative state.
  •  In 1984  Indian  government decided to celebrate Swami Vivekanand birthday as National Youth day

National Youth Day Theme 2021

The theme is every year is different "Channelizing Youth Power for Nation Building" is the theme of National Youth Day 2021.

National Youth Day celebrates in Schools, colleges, societies and many more places. Swami Vivekanand always inspire us by his thoughts and ideas.

You cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself

                                               Swami Vivekanand


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