USA Election overview


In the USA election it takes 7-8 months to complete. Total 50 state is covered in the election. The most unique bit in the election is People do not vote their favorite candidate directly, they vote to delegate and delegate pledge he would vote their favorite candidate.
For Democratic Party total 3979 delegates in the entire USA.
In the USA election if some one want to be a President candidate then he has to get halfway majority mark among delegate. The voting is going on by state to state and last the delegates select the Presidential candidate.

eligibility for it
1. Registered Party member (Closed Primary Presidential election)
2.  Some state kept open ( Semi Closed Presidential election)
3. Even if a voter  is registered for a particular party he can come and vote in the Primary Election of another Party. (Open Party Election).

Two type of election.
1. Primary

Primary Election- People stand in the line and they vote by EVM or Ballot Box
Caucus Election- In it people meet in Party Office, make groups and debate in groups and then they count the number of member in groups and the group whom has more number will win.

Some Important Word which use in USA Election.
Super Delegates- Some percentage of Delegates not choosen by the people are called Super Delegate. Example- Vice Chairman, Governer, Old Senator Party Leader.
National Convention- The place where all the delegate meet is called National Convention.

Some interesting fact about this 2020 USA election.
JOE BIDEN- Vice President in Barak Obama government. Now President of USA.
Bernie Sander- He is seen as a progressive candidate. He wants politics revolution
Andrew Yang- Support Universal basic income and Data Privacy.


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