World in covid-19 and all about after corona


The corona virus is affecting 218 countries and territories in all over the world.  Pandemic has been killed more people than you think. It has changed our life in every stage. We are seeing people wearing mask and using sanitizer and we are unintentionally keep our distance.
New habits are properly washing hand to be a better overall hygienics and new travel habits.

We have been having an enormous and blind trust towards the globalization world. This will change after billion of people lockdown for months.
Healthcare, Work from home has finally taken the center stage. 
  "Ultimately, the greatest lesson that COVID-19 can teach humanity is that we are all in this together."

If we talk abot corona  17 November2019 the first corona case came .11 March 2020 it announced as Pandemic. 25 Mach 2020 Lockdown in India.12 March 2020 India's first death to corona in Karnatak. Airlines are fighting to survive. But if we see the situation we may responsible for spreading this virus. Billion of people lost jobs. Small industries have stuck down.The labour class is the most affected. Powerful countries have a down and out condition. The countries whom has all the power but they are unable to fight this pandemic.
All the Bio medical companies earned in trillion so there must be a bio medical war is also possible.
Corona affected most of the sector in the world but there are lot of hopes are still now
Small business would be rapidly grow. Establishment of a new industry will be a great idea . Online banking would become the normal term and conditions. Labs, Insurance sector, Automobile and many sector would be the top priority.


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